![]() Kyle has always been afraid of things, especially dying. But when he gets on the train that is taking him and his class on a school trip, he has no idea how close to Death he is going to come. Death enters the train and Kyle moves with him, past his friends, who are frozen in time, in life-or-death situations. Kyle finds that he can pick up on their deepest, darkest fears - real things that have happened to them, or may happen in the future, and sometimes their surreal nightmares too. Kyle realises that he isn't the only one who has buried fears and, more importantly, he now burns with the desire to live, and to live without fear. But will Death release him? This book was great. The plot was so original and different. I loved that the chapters told loads of separate stories from many characters due to Kyles ability to hide in their nightmares. I found I wanted to read on with some of the characters' stories as they ended too quickly. Some of them could have been a story all by themselves as they often made me forget that Kyle was in their head. The nightmares were deep, dark and intense and definitely made me wonder what my worst nightmare would be. The gradual reveal to Kyle's nightmare though was very gripping as it was only mentioned for a few sentences at a time; it was quite vague as to what had happened right up until the end. The climax of the book was a complete plot twist but it was an amazing one rather than one that left me feeling annoyed. It was totally unexpected and I would have never had guessed. I could say more but I don't want to spoil it. The book wasn't as scary as the jacket made it out to be, for me it was more of an intense thriller than a horror but that didn't take away from the book at all. I loved it and can't wait to read more Malorie Blackman books in the future.
I am just coming to the end of the Easter half term. It's been great, for two weeks I've had lay-ins and read as much as I wanted. Except, I couldn't. I had half term revision and homework to do. With just 6 weeks until my first exam, there isn't much time to sit back and relax. My teachers set me 10 maths past papers, 35 ancient history questions and a 1000 word essay for English. It's been a struggle and at times all I've wanted to do is sit and do nothing but I managed it. Here are my tips for doing homework/revision in half term (or for any time during the year.) 1) Make a plan A great way to help you get through your mountain of revision or homework is to create a timetable. If you can't stick to it (just like me) I would recommend creating one anyway as it can help to remind you what you have to do. Or if that is too time consuming for you a simple to do list every morning can work just as well. Ticking things off is so satisfying! 2) Prioritise When you have a lot to do, it can be hard to know where to start. The best way to combat this is to prioritise. See what is due in first, what exams are first and what you are struggling with and decide what your priority is. Then do whatever that is first. At least then you get the most important stuff done just in case you don't have time to do it all. 3) Make it fun Trying to stay interested in your work is hard and failing to do so can lead to procrastination. To combat this I like to make my doing my work more fun. I use colours, mind maps, note cards and record notes on my phone. This variety helps me to stay interested and focused for longer thus allows me to get more work done. 4) Don't forget to relax Although completing all the work you have is important, it is also important to take time to relax. If you don't, you can go crazy. How long you do it for is up to you but I try to stop after a certain time in the evening, take regular but short breaks during the day and when I have a long time off (like the Easter half term) I like to dedicate a few days to doing something that is not work related. Overworking yourself can have negative effects on your work and your health. Remember that your health is more important that your education and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I hope this has been helpful. Let me know your revision tips, suggestions or questions in the comments below. Note: If you ever need feel work is affecting your health talk to a trusted adult straight away. |
AuthorHi, I'm Megan. I'm a 17 year old from England. This year I have decided to do something different so have set myself challenges of 18 things to do before I turn 18. Subscribe for all the latest updates
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